Global Green has a strong legacy of impactful work in New York City. We are excited to announce that we will be reopening our NYC office after a brief pause during the pandemic. More than 35,000 nonprofits call NYC their home, and we are proud to be one of them. With our headquarters in LA and office in NYC, we create a powerful and impactful bicoastal team.


Solar for Sandy

Facilitated solar energy and backup systems to five community facilities following Sandy in 2012

Installed a 15kW solar system andbattery at a local school withNational Grid in 2016/2017

Received $1M in funding fromNational Grid over the course ofthis project

national grid
solar roof installation
corr program

The Coalition for Resource Recovery (CoRR)

This program aimed to find natural solutions for resource and asset recovery

The goal was to close the loop on materials that reduce resource loss, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions

CoRR Legacy Partners


Global Green worked with Pret A Manger to assess their success piloting a front and back-of-house system for composting and recycling.


Global Green worked with Pratt Institute to develop prototype messaging and bins to incorporate food packaging recycling. 


Global Green and NAFFCO tested and confirmed effectiveness of recyclable seafood boxes.


A successful food service recycling pilot was held at seven Starbucks stores in Manhattan and the waste was characterized by Global Green.

Sustainable Neighborhood Solutions

Global Green has implemented Sustainable Neighborhood Solutions (SNSs) in 29 communities throughout the United States. The SNS is a 3-day intensive effort, initially funded by the EPA and based on the LEED-ND rating system, which focuses on identifying catalytic recommendations to improve a neighborhood’s social and environmental sustainability.

long beach

Long Beach, NY was initially selected in as a special effort to respond to Superstorm Sandy’s affected communities. Resilient neighborhoods are better prepared to withstand, respond to, and recover from extreme weather events associated with global climate change. 

staten island

Global Green helped Staten Island, NY adapt their work to the changing climate. Recommendations included information dissemination, training, and to collectively bargain for more resilient business practices both environmentally and economically.

hoboken logo

SNS helped to identify topical and physical focus areas where policy and/or planning changes will promote urban development over the short and long term, as well as improve the neighborhood’s day-to-day sustainability as well as increase its resiliency during future weather events.


Since this community’s previous SNS assessment in 2014, Long Beach, NY, has faced twenty hurricanes, along with their lasting impact, which includes flood damage to homes and businesses, infrastructure damage, and the continued strain on local resources for its residents. While the census indicates the city to be predominantly working-class and white, there are growing neighborhoods and pockets of underserved communities (primarily Hispanic and Black) that are often overlooked with a support toward coastal resiliency.

GG hopes to reassess the needs of this community in the aftermath of experiencing so many storms, help revitalize appropriate programs, potentially introduce new solutions, and bolster the emergency resilience hub there for the city’s ongoing climate-related emergencies, now, with Hurricane Ida, and into the future. This project will focus on supporting often marginalized neighborhoods so that the citizens of Long Beach, NY can all have equitable access to the resources and education around emergency preparedness and coastal resiliency. Through our partnership with General Motors, we are excited to revisit this SNS and would be excited to have you partner with us in this mission!

corr legay long beach